On Writing

Harper’s Harpings – Write about what you know?




I am wading my way through Loving Lilly, reading through the paragraphs, chapters and events of the book, editing the first draft.

There is a section that I wrote a few months back and at  the time I was writing it from the fantasy part of my head as I had not experienced it.  Since then I have experienced the scenario and it wasn’t as good as I had written it.

So should I re write it to reality or keep it as it is?  Will someone who reads it think ‘there is no way that is feasible’.  The thing is it was feasible and did happen but it didn’t actually feel as fantastic as I thought it would.

I am writing fiction after all, so I should stick with the first draft, correct?

Not so sure, I will have to see what the Beta readers say, if they don’t pick up on it I shall leave it as it is.

Do you write from experience or go straight for fantasy?


Thanks for reading.




Harper’s Motto: You will not be everybody’s favourite flavour, but that’s ok, because they will not always be your favourite flavour.  Be who you want to be and you will attract the people who will support you no matter what.